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Resource Articles

  • Say it with Colour

    Even on the dullest winter day, colour fills our lives.  Look around and you’ll see a thousand shades of greens and browns, violets, greys, golds and blues.  Colour is also part of our language.  Few of us will dispute that it affects our moods and how we feel — red with anger, green with envy,…

  • How to Prepare for an Open House

    Getting the maximum exposure possible is a key part of any home sale. That’s why it pays to sell your home with the help of a REALTOR® through the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). MLS provides details of your home to all real estate professionals in the area and markets the property to a broad range…

  • Electrical Safety Around the Home

    To most of us, electricity is simply flicking a switch or turning a dial to light up a room, cook supper or get instant entertainment.  We take it for granted — that is, until there’s a power failure and we have to scramble to find flashlights, candles and matches in the dark. Making your home…

  • Windows – Repair or Replace?

    In ancient times, windows were as common as doors in dwellings. But they were merely holes in a wall used to control the amount of light and air that entered a home. Appearance and style were not a consideration. We’ve come a long way since then. Today, windows in most homes combine science and technologies…

  • Tips to Noise-Proof Your Home

    Whether it is aircraft overhead, traffic on the street, a neighbour practicing the saxophone, or your own kids at play, often our homes are not as quiet and peaceful as we would like them to be. That’s why taking some measures to soundproof your home has lots of pay-offs. Not only will you reduce noise…

  • The Whys and Whens of Selling your Home

    Homeowners face a double quandary when faced with the prospect of selling their homes: how does one make sure the decision to sell is the right one; and once the choice is made, when is the right time to sell? Traditionally, there have been four major reasons why and when people sell their homes: financial…

  • Education Keeps REALTORS®’ Standards High

    When consumers choose a REALTOR® to help them buy or sell a property, they are placing their trust in someone who is knowledgeable and who will protect their interests. A REALTORS® role is to provide clients with sound, effective, timely advice and professional service. More than ever, in today’s fast-paced, high-tech world, REALTORS® are being…

  • When to Call in the Experts

    Buying or selling a home is no simple business transaction. It takes a team of experts and professionals you can trust to achieve your goals and protect your interests. Bringing in the right experts at the right time will ensure your purchase or sale goes smoothly and you don’t pay a big personal and financial…

  • Finding the Right Home for You

    When you dream of your dream home, what do you see? Each of us has a vision of what it will be, but getting as close to that vision as possible is a practical, step-by-step process that begins with finding a REALTOR®. A REALTOR® is your best ally throughout the home buying process. He or…

  • Does Your Home Need a Tune-Up?

    Just like you take a car for regular tune ups to ensure it continues to run smoothly, your home also needs some special attention. There’s a lot more to keeping up a house than cutting the grass and clearing snow from the driveway. Ensuring your home “looks” good and is in proper working order, not…

  • Selecting and Working with a REALTOR®

    Buying or selling a home in today’s market requires a lot of work and a lot of knowledge about sales and real estate.  It’s one of the largest purchases or biggest business transactions many of us will ever make.  It doesn’t pay to depend on blind luck. Whether you are a buyer or a seller,…

  • Cut Years off your Mortgage

    With today’s low interest rates, deciding to buy a home is one of the best decisions anyone can make. Financing such a big purchase, however, often means combining savings with money borrowed through a financial arrangement, commonly referred to as a mortgage. Mortgages allow you to pay back the principal, or amount borrowed, plus interest,…

  • Choosing the Right Neighborhood

    When buying a home, the neighbourhood you select will not only play a pivotal role in your family’s life, but in the resale value of the property. One person’s ideal neighbourhood however may vary greatly from another’s. But, regardless, there are some needs and wants that generally do not change. The distance from your new…

  • Don’t Forget Closing Costs

    Don’t forget closing costs when buying a home Despite the low cost of carrying a mortgage these days, you should keep in mind “closing costs” in addition to your down payment for that dream home. These various charges can add up, and for the most part they are all legally required payments in buying a…

  • Window Coverings – Decorative and Functional

    Window coverings play a leading role in the interior of home. They can help set atmosphere and can be both attractive and functional. Windows now come in a variety of new shapes and sizes, which has put increased demand on window covering manufacturers to create new products. Many new and custom-built homes have windows that…

  • Marketing Your Home

    More than Just a Sign on the Lawn If you’re thinking of selling your home in the near future, you may think that all that’s required is a “for sale” sign strategically placed on your front lawn — but any real estate professional will tell you there’s much more to it than that. While a…

  • How to Match the Home You Buy

    How to match the home you buy to your pocketbook So, you’ve decided to take the big leap and purchase your first home. Most of us have a “dream home” tucked away at the back of our minds — complete with six bedrooms, two fireplaces and a panoramic view. Before setting off to view properties…

  • Using Paint to Enhance Your Home

    One of the easiest, most cost-efficient ways of enhancing your home is with paint. With the advances made in paint over the past decade, there’s not much you can’t do with it indoors and outdoors. Gone are the days of the all-purpose can of paint. Today, there are paints available for specific materials and surfaces.…

  • On the Move

    There’s little doubt that Canadians are on the move. Whether moving from an apartment to a home, apartment to apartment or home to home, moving is no simple matter. With careful planning, however, your transition can be facilitated in an organized and efficient manner, allowing you the peace of mind you need to settle into…

  • Get a Head Start on Spring

    Spring is in the air and the busy gardening season is just around the corner. Not only can gardening be personally satisfying, but well-placed trees, shrubs, flowering plants and an attractive lawn can increase the value of your property. While the earlier you start, the better off you’ll be, don’t be too eager to get…

  • Creating Curb Appeal?

    They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. But when it comes to houses, the exterior can be just as important as the interior if selling or buying. When selling, it is the outside, or the home’s curb appeal that often determines whether the inside is ever seen. How a house ‘shows’ from…

  • Tips to Sell your House

    When you are ready to sell your house you’ll want to enlist the help of a REALTOR®. He or she will provide the professional advice and service you need to make the selling process go smoothly. Showing you ways to make your home as marketable as possible is just one of the many ways your…

  • Garden Year Round in your Home

    It’s hard for an avid gardener to put down their spade come winter. That’s why so many choose to garden year-round. Whether it is wintering expensive outdoor annuals inside your home, investing in a small greenhouse or growing miniature indoor gardens on window ledges and in special containers, there are many ways to keep gardening…

  • Arranging your Mortgage

    Arranging your mortgage doesn’t have to be a baffling experience Buying a home today is an extremely attractive proposition. Interest rates are at their lowest in decades and the housing market is full of homes to suit just about any budget or family requirement. Still, you’ll inevitably have to deal with financing and this will…

  • Bathroom Makeovers

    Today more and more homeowners are directing their energy and creativity towards redecorating the bathroom. Be it the family bath, or the master ensuite, the primary focus is on increased luxury comfort and convenience. Many homeowners are looking for new ideas to make their existing bathrooms larger. Get the most from your space Redecorating a…

  • Home Owners Primer

    New homeowners often find there’s more to keeping up a house than cutting the grass and clearing snow from the driveway. Tools To start with, a new homeowner needs to have on hand a ‘basic tool kit’. A number of basic tools are a must C a metal hammer, screwdrivers with a variety of heads,…

  • Quick Ways to Spruce Up your Home

    Sometimes, all it takes is a few simple fix-ups to improve the look of your home and make it more marketable. Even if you don’t plan to sell in the near future, a change of face can make your home more comfortable and appealing. If your kitchen, bathroom and other rooms in your home look…

  • Buying a home of your own

    So you’ve decided you want to stop paying rent and buy your first home. You’re not alone. With interest rates at their lowest in decades, many people have discovered that mortgage payments can be significantly lower or at least comparable to the rent they are currently paying. Making the decision to become a homeowner is…

  • Selling with a Real Estate Representative

    Real estate sections of public libraries abound with books on selling you home privately. In addition to pointers on sprucing up your home for maximum sale ability, they provide homeowners with tips on the “psychology of showing a house.” Yet, most homeowners choose to sell through a REALTOR®. Selecting a REALTOR® Finding the right real…

  • Real Estate Terminology

    The one thing about participating in the real estate market that confounds most consumers is the terminology and jargon that must be learned. But, as with any business, in order to be successful as a buyer or seller, it is necessary to become familiar with certain concepts and words. The real estate business is somewhat…

  • How to Host a Successful Yard Sale

    If your annual spring cleaning ritual has produced a mountain of unused and unwanted items, you may want to think twice before you simply toss them out. How about a yard sale to turn some of that “junk” into someone else’s “treasure?” Each weekend in spring and summer you’ll find yard sales popping up in…

  • How to Save for a Down Payment

    Owning your own home has a lot of payoffs, especially these days when mortgage rates are still among the lowest in 30 years. There are also many housing options available in a wide range of prices. Simply put, you can carry a home of your own for no more than what you would pay in…

  • Your Heating System

    A heating system converts fuel into heat which then flows through a house. The efficiency of a heating system depends on the amount of fuel consumed to meet heating needs. Using less fuel means your system has increased its energy efficiency. Check your heating system first One way to maximize output using the least amount…

  • Closing the deal

    It’s an exciting time. Your offer has been accepted. You can’t wait to move into your new home.  But don’t start celebrating yet.  There is one final stage involved in purchasing a home — closing the deal. Closing is the point at which ownership and usually possession of the property is transferred from the seller…

  • Creating More Closet Space

    For most people the ideal closet is the size of a room with ample space to hang clothing, lots of shelves to tuck and stash away things — a place where you can walk around and assess all your personal belongings. In reality, most people’s closets fall well short of this ideal. And few of…

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